When it comes to web development and automation, accuracy is critical. Finding and modifying specific webpage components is crucial, whether scraping data, automating tests, or extracting insights. The effectiveness of test automation is dependent on selecting the suitable element location considering factors such as functionality, efficiency, and accuracy.

Selecting an appropriate element locator is essential to achieving successful test automation. It is critical to find a balance that guarantees the chosen locator improves functionality, maintains efficiency, and ensures accuracy to enhance the overall effectiveness of automated tests. This is where XPath excels and offers a reliable and flexible way to navigate the complex structure of HTML texts carefully.

XPath is a powerful tool for navigating and locating elements and attributes in an XML document or HTML structure, allowing automation testers to locate and interact with web elements on a page. Mastery of XPath is essential for robust and reliable automation scripts, especially when dealing with dynamic web elements that change frequently. Testers and developers are leveraging XPath owing to its greater flexibility and compatibility with old browsers, making it one of its most powerful and versatile locators.

This article explores a holistic tutorial about Xpath uncovering the advanced techniques to handle Dynamic Web elements. It will also discover features, best practices, and common issues of using XPath.

What is XPath?

XPath or XML Path Language is a powerful and flexible language used to navigate XML and HTML documents and select nodes, which makes it a valuable tool for automation. Its main function is to traverse among elements and attributes in an XML document. By utilizing its selectors testers can pinpoint specific elements within a document. XPath expressions work with many programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, XML Schema, PHP, Python, C, and C++.

It is extensively utilized in many different technologies for working with XML, such as XML parsers, web scraping, XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), and XML databases. It offers a strong and adaptable way of extracting data from XML documents according to specified criteria.

Types of X-path

There are two types of XPath:

 Absolute XPath: It is the direct way to find the element, it starts from the root node in the Document Object Model(DOM) and includes a complete path to the desired element. However, the primary drawback of the absolute XPath is that it fails if any modifications between the root and the desired element take place. usually it is too long which reduces the readability of the Xpath.

Relative Xpath: It starts from the middle of the HTML DOM structure and traverses to the desired element. It used to begin with a double forward slash (//). It can look for elements anywhere on the web page, hence there’s no need to create a long Xpath.

Xpath Functions

XPath often uses a path-like syntax to describe the location of elements or attributes in an XML document. It has various built-in functions including node manipulating, booleans, date and time comparison, string and numeric values, and sequence manipulation.

Xpath can be used to pick nodes individually or in groups, as well as to retrieve values from certain attributes or elements. Many additional functions are available,

Key Features of XPath

Here are some of the powerful characteristics or features of XPath that make it an essential tool for the successful handling and manipulation of XML documents:

Node Selection: In XPath, every element in an XML document is considered a node. This involves elements, attributes, text, comments, and processing instructions. The ability to select all the nodes from the XML document is based on its hierarchy of position or content using an enabled XPath. This capability is very relevant in extracting data from XML for further processing or transformation.

Path Expression: To locate particular nodes in the XML document, a path expression is used for navigation. It is composed of a series of steps with slashes (/) between them. Every step describes a node or a combination of node tests, axis specifiers, and predicates.

Node Test: To match particular kinds of nodes in an XPath expression, a node test is employed. Like, element nodes can be matched, attribute nodes, text nodes, etc.

Axes: Axes allow navigation in many directions and describe the interaction between nodes. Axes like child, parent, ancestor, descendant, following, and preceding are commonly used.

Predicates: Predicates are used to filter nodes according to specific needs. They are surrounded in square brackets ([]), the only nodes that meet the criteria within the chosen predicates.

Namespace support: XPath completely supports XML namespaces, making it possible to enable the query of XML documents by using namespaces that have been applied to elements and attributes.

Tips for choosing the right XPath

Selecting the appropriate XPath strategy is critical for effective and robust automation. Here is a guide that will help make the proper decision:

Know the Webpage: Understanding how the website is developed is a must. Search for unique features or patterns in the elements you want to click or interact with.

Look for Clues: Use the browser’s tools like unique IDs to find clues about elements, or how the other parts of the page relate to them.

Prefer Flexible XPath: Go for Relative XPath, unless you are sure about the elements’ stability as it is more easier to use and less likely to break.

Use Absolute XPath Carefully: Using Absolute XPath is preferred only when you are certain about the elements’ location. Although It is very specific, it could alter if the webpage changes.

Test and Improve: Using XPath expressions ensures that they work well across various browsers. Make the necessary adjustments to provide dependable and seamless automation.

By Considering these factors select the optimal XPath strategy according to the particular requirements of the automation project. It helps in building robust and maintainable scripts that effectively interact with web elements on various web pages.

Issues faced while using XPath

Some common issues with XPath include finding unique element locators, handling dynamic elements, and maintaining code efficiency with complex expressions. The performance of the XPath varies on the application and its locators are also relatively slow, which can have an impact on the test suite’s overall performance.

Additionally, It cannot solve the modern world DOM problem.

Since XPath is associated with multiple elements in the DOM tree, it tends to break when new changes are made at the element level.

The use of indexes (specific nodes with numbers) within the XPath results in expensive maintenance. The readability of XPath reduces as it becomes increasingly complex.

Techniques for handling dynamic web elements

Locating dynamic web elements effectively is crucial for robust and reliable automation scripts. Dynamic web elements are those whose attributes or structures change frequently, making them challenging to target consistently. By following a few approaches testers can effectively deal with complex dynamic elements in unpredictable automation scripts. Here are advanced techniques to handle dynamic web elements.

Prefer Relative XPath over Absolute XPath

Absolute XPath locators provide a complete path, starting at the root node and navigating to the desired element. Despite their accuracy, they are also more prone to breakage if something changes in the path. Conversely, Relative XPath allows one to locate an element in the document starting from anywhere. This approach makes the locators more robust and less prone to break when the structure of the document changes.

 Utilize Relative Element Positions

Sometimes, testers can predict the position of a dynamic element relative to a nearby stable element. Then use XPath to locate the dynamic element relative to the stable one. This approach works well for elements that frequently appear close to other elements.

Use the text containing Relative Xpath

Few dynamic elements contain static values, and based on such values, testers can find such elements, using the ‘contains’ function. For instance, testers can use XPath to look for a button element with a class name that includes the word ‘Hstpl.’

Perform thorough testing

Web page structures can vary, so verifying the XPath under various conditions is essential. To ensure consistency and compatibility, validate Xpath in a variety of browsers by testing it rigorously against many versions after constructing it.

Therefore it is essential to utilize solutions that provide different testing environments and browser versions to run and validate XPath queries across various browsers and devices. Various platforms offer such services and LambdaTest is one of them that offers a cloud-based testing infrastructure with a wide range of environments for practicing and applying advanced XPath techniques.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform capable of performing both manual and automated testing at scale. The platform allows testers to perform both real-time and automation testing by providing access to more than 3000 environments and real mobile devices.

Furthermore, LambdaTest provides several features that improve XPath usage. Performing visual regression testing using LambdaTest helps find visual UI regression bugs and any unexpected changes that come from XPath adjustments with the help of Smart Testing. By utilizing LambdaTest, Screenshots, and test session recording feature testers can troubleshoot issues with dynamic elements and verify that elements are located correctly.

Testers can also execute test scenarios using this platform to verify that the application functionality works correctly across multiple browsers and devices, improving the accuracy and significance of their web automation procedures.

Moreover, this platform offers comprehensive browser compatibility testing, real-time bug tracking, and live interactive testing to inspect the DOM and test XPath expressions interactively.

Use Multiple Attributes

Testers can combine multiple attributes to create a more robust locator if a single attribute is not sufficient to uniquely identify the dynamic element. Testers can match the dynamic element based on multiple attribute values by using logical operators like and or or in the XPath or CSS selector. The use of multiple attributes increases the locator’s specificity, ensuring that the dynamic element is identified uniquely.

Applying Indexed Element

In the DOM when there are numerous elements with the same attributes, It can be challenging to locate them, specifically when they are dynamic. For example, while trying to locate the fifth button out of ten on a page, Then, look for elements with the ‘button’ tag and proceed to the fifth index in the button list to find that element.

Avoid Full-Text Matching

While it is occasionally useful to match items based on their text content, avoid doing so for large blocks of text. This is because the text may get changed as a result of typo correction, updates to the page, or even localization. Make use of functions like contains() to match a part of the text.

Avoid using Absolute Xpath

Absolute Xpath utilizes the complete path from the Root Element to the specific element. With HTML and a forward slash (/), an absolute Xpath is initiated. To generate Xpaths, use fire path (firebug). However, they are more prone to regression because minor changes in the DOM cause them to be incorrect or refer to a different element. Hence, employing absolute Xpath to solve the Dynamic element problem is often not considered as best practice.

Find web element interface

Another method for handling dynamic elements is to find all elements with the same Tag name and then search for the required element based on whether it contains text, a value, or element attributes.


In conclusion, XPath is an invaluable tool in automation testing for element location and navigation. It offers a robust and flexible language that enables testers to recognize elements by their tag name, attributes, text content, and position within the document structure.

With its ability to precisely locate elements, handle dynamic content, and navigate complex DOM structures, XPath proves to be an important tool for any automation tester’s toolkit. In short, testers can increase the overall quality and reliability of web applications by using XPath to develop strong and effective test scripts.